St. Paul Goodwill Industries is founded.
First store opens.
The St. Paul Goodwill was founded by Rev. Herbert Burgstahler and local civic leaders at the Church of the Good Shepherd in St. Paul.
The organization followed the model of Goodwill Industries of America and accepted donations. Goodwill workers repaired donated merchandise and were paid by Goodwill store sale receipts.

Pictured: The First Goodwill store opens in the basement of the Church of the Good Shepherd at 12th and Cedar.

Women's Auxiliary is established to help pay wages through fundraisers and fund and provide a nursery for Goodwill employees.
Pictured: Carrie B Nichols, Goodwill Auxiliary Founder and First President.
Official monthly newsletter, The Goodwill Bag, is distributed locally.
Pictured: Volume 4 of The Goodwill Bag featuring the women's auxiliary

Goodwill Operators were hired to answer daily calls and questions, creating 4,298 jobs in the first six months.
Pictured: Goodwill operators answer calls and questions from the community.
Goodwill provides vocational rehabilitation to soldiers returning from war.
Pictured: A Goodwill employee unloading a load of donated furniture.

Goodwill's work is highlighted by the show What's Cookin' hosted by Bernice Hulin on KSTP.
Pictured: Cover of Goodwill's newsletter featuring "What's Cookin" on KSTP.
Goodwill opens its first outlet store in Austin, MN.
Pictured: An article from the Austin Herald Highlighting St. Paul Goodwill Industries' first outlet store opening.

St. Paul Goodwill started a new concept, a drive-in drop-off donation center.
Pictured: This is one of the first donation drop centers for St. Paul Goodwill Industries.
St. Paul Goodwill becomes an affiliate of National Easter Seals.
Pictured: Annual report cover in the first year as Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota.

Michael Wirth-Davis becomes GESMN President and CEO.
Pictured: Michael Wirth-Davis, President and CEO of Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota.
Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota opens its new St. Paul campus headquarters.
Pictured: GESMN's new St. Paul Campus at it's grand opening in 2002.

Goodwill Easter-Seals Foundation is formed.
Pictured: Goodwill-Easter Seals Foundation original artwork.
GESMN celebrates its 100th anniversary.