Team Spirit Helps Nathan Thrive

October 5, 2021

Nathan heard about Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota after someone in his group therapy mentioned its career services. With GESMN’s help through the job placement services, Nathan landed his first job, where he worked for thirteen years. Nathan was laid off during the pandemic and again connected with another career navigator to find a new job.


“Nathan was open to looking at different positions and quickly realized what he really wanted in a job. He was able to communicate his likes and dislikes, and we continued the job search to find the perfect fit for him,” said Ellen, Nathan’s career navigator.


Just three short months after being laid off, Nathan landed a job at the MAC hockey arena in St. Cloud and moved into supported employment. Nathan says his favorite part of his job is the fact that he can escape the hot Minnesota summers and spend his days in a cold arena. His goals are to continue learning and work on opportunities for growth.


Even though they worked together for a short period of time, you can still feel a true bond when talking with Nathan and Ellen. They have a shared team spirit that helps Nathan thrive.


“When I show up on site to see him, we are both genuinely happy to see each other,” said Ellen. “I am proud of his accomplishments, and his story is a positive reflection of his strong work ethic coupled with Goodwill’s support services.”


Nathan returned the favor. “Ellen was fantastic to work with. She was helpful, optimistic and answered all my questions.” 


Nathan is now a part of GESMN’s supported employment program, and still stays in touch with Ellen.


If you or someone you know is seeking employment and could use support, contact the career navigators at our supported employment program.