Nathan the Go-Getter

August 17, 2022

When Nathan graduated from high school in 2021, he had little work experience and didn't know where to start. He had big goals and was ready to work hard. But with only a bike for transportation, Nathan felt limited. 

In May 2021, Nathan reached out to Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota's disability services team, and quickly moved into the supported employment program. The team worked with Nathan to not only find a good fit in the job market but work towards his long-term professional goals.

After trying out a few different part-time positions, Nathan found the perfect fit at Walmart as a full-time employee in February 2022. He says, "I love my job because of my co-workers, I get to lift heavy stuff and learn about the shipping and warehouse business."

Nathan still gets to work on his bike, which makes time and weather a factor. "I usually get to work earlier than my start time because I have to give myself extra time to get there and I like to get ready for my shift," he says.

Photo of Nathan at work.

His manager says no matter the weather, you can rely on Nathan. He said, "He gets to work earlier than his scheduled time to start so he is ready. He works hard, very attentive to details and works at a fast pace."

When asked about this future goals, Nathan had a full personal list. He wants to save up to buy a pickup truck to help him get to work and eventually wants to get a sailboat and learn how to sail.

"My big career goal is to own a massive shipping company like Amazon – I think that would be so cool,” says Nathan.

"Nathan has come such a long way since he started with us and I hope everyone else sees everything he is capable of doing," says his career navigator Jen. "His goals have really been the main driver in all that he has accomplished so far and I am excited to see where he goes."

If you or someone you know is seeking employment and could use support, contact the career navigators at our supported employment program.

