Guy Bowling Named 2020 Bush Fellow

June 23, 2020

Congratulations to Guy Bowling of Father Project for being named a 2020 Bush Foundation Fellow. This enormous honor is bestowed upon just 24 people each year as recognition for their extraordinary accomplishments in leadership. According to the Bush Foundation, “the Fellowship is a flexible grant of up to $100,000 to help you strengthen and develop your leadership.”

An excerpt from the Bush Foundation on Guy:

“Guy Bowling understands from personal experience the challenges of parenting, especially without positive role models. His lifework has focused on helping young, low-income men transform into responsible and involved fathers. He sees the struggles and barriers these men face in child support, criminal justice, public assistance, child welfare and education systems. He wants these systems to work together to better support engagement of fathers and to increase the economic stability of families. To strengthen his ability to lead this transformation, he will pursue a master’s degree to grow his knowledge of policy making, research and evaluation. He will also form more connections with organizations focused on empowering fathers of color and improving police and community relations.” 

Guy has worked at Father Project for years and has helped countless dads navigate being a parent and supporting their children both economically and emotionally.

Illustration of Guy Bowling


Please join us in extending congratulations to Guy as well as gratitude for all he does in this community!