Brady Conquers Job Loss to Forge a New Career

February 8, 2023

After two job losses, Brady faced a common problem: securing stable employment. Through the Connections program at Big Lake High School, Brady was referred to Goodwill Easter-Seals Minnesota’s Disability Placement Employment program.

Brady had a clear vision of his employment goals that he shared with his GESMN career navigator, Alicia. He wanted to be a cashier because he loved working with people and helping them. Brady believed working in the retail industry was the best fit for him and knew he needed some support to land his next gig.

Alicia was impressed by Brady’s belief in himself and his positive attitude to do whatever it took to reach his career goals.

Alicia met with Brady every week to establish a plan for finding meaningful work. Alicia helped Brady:

  • Create a resume
  • Prepare for formal and informational interviews
  • Improve his skills in time management, communication and dexterity
  • Build connections with job searches and networking

With Alicia's help to support Brady’s goals, his outgoing personality, personal drive and skills helped him achieve employment as a cashier at Walmart, where he oversees self-checkout, which has ample space to support his needs. Plus, he gets to help customers and share his skills every day at work.

Brady is continuously looking for opportunities to grow in his career; he’s currently training to be a customer service associate in the returns, money orders and check cashing area.

The Disability Placement Employment program helped Brady grow in both personal and professional areas of his life. His advice to others who face job loss is, “Trust the program, it is very helpful ".

Learn more about Goodwill Easter-Seals Minnesota’s  Disability Placement Employment (DPE) services here.

